With Black Friday just one week away, the question any business should be asking is… “Are we prepared?”

With shoppers holding out for weeks in advance in the hopes of grabbing a great deal from stores of all sizes, taking part in promotions around this key time of year can be essential in ensuring that your sales take off during the run up to Christmas.

With direct relationships with our portfolio of 130+ marketplace partners, Pertemba are well-placed to take care of this, taking the burden out of planning, negotiating and loading promotions, ensuring that your product connects with as many potential customers in key digital retail spaces all around the world.

Right now we’re gearing up for our biggest Black Friday yet, with more promotional activity planned than in any year past, so if you’re heading into the season wishing you’d been able to do more, a partnership with Pertemba could be the answer.

Email us at business@pertembaglobal.com to learn more, and this time next year, it could be your brand that we’re helping to send sales skyrocketing.

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